Keys to RSI Recovery (Part 4)

Key #4: Patience 4.1. Trust the Process You will experience relapses and frequent obstacles. Behavioral addictions to computers and devices are tough to break and it will probably take a lot of time and discipline for people who are just starting out. Not to mention there are times when you just need to use them:…

Keys to RSI recovery (Part 3)

Key #3: Make a plan 3.1. Set goals Now that you have accepted responsibility for your situation and aimed your mindset towards aggressive recovery, you are in a great position to set goals for the future and plan the steps that you will take to get there. Imagine your life 5 years from now. Will…

Keys to RSI Recovery (Part 2)

Key #2: Work on your mindset 2.1. Identify the risks in your lifestyle and personality Being a perfectionist, being a workaholic, saying “yes” when you should be saying “no”, being a constant couch potato, being a pushover, being a know-it-all, seeking the approval of others… You get the idea. Do any of these behaviors sound…

Keys to RSI Recovery (Part 1)

Keys to RSI Recovery (Part 1) Have you recently developed computer-related RSI? Not sure what to expect or how to get your life back on track? Here are my Keys to RSI Recovery! Hi everyone. This will be a 5-part blog and video series about my RSI journey. I’m writing this in December 2021, just…

Five (Non—Medical) Books That Help You Cope with RSI

Five (Non—Medical) Books That Help You Cope with RSI The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana AFFILIATE LINK DISCLOSURE: this blog uses affiliate links. I have…